You ask: Are you teaching your religion to Allah, while Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and Allah is the Knower of each and every thing.
The believer who testifies the Three Time Knowledge Adhikr has to ask this question to the Arabic Qur’an Reading Fujjar. They are the True disbelievers mentioned in verses 4: 150-151 who are serving Satan as explained in verses 36: 59-62, and are following his footsteps as explained in verses 2: 168-169. The disbeliever Antichrist will be coming to fulfil the ambitions of these worst creatures who are submitting Islam falsely and crookedly among the mankind through their false lifestyle. Allah will bring Jesus to the earth for the second time, and he will kill Antichrist. Then all other people belonging to Messenger’s community will approve Islam, and they will kill these Mujirims mentioned in verse 7: 40, proclaimed by stones and trees as ‘here behind me there is kafir, you seize him and kill him’. Thus the command of the verses 4: 91; 5: 33; 9: 5, 123; and 33: 60-61 will be implemented which has never been implemented ever till that time. See explanation 2: 255; 3: 21-22; 10: 17-18; and 25: 65-66.